8 Yoga Exercises To Begin Your Day With

Sunrise Yoga

While we understand that doing Yoga early in the morning can be quite torturous, the benefits are manifold, although it doesn’t mean you can’t practice it in the evening. The practice of Yoga yields some magical results and you’d love the amazing changes in your physical as well as mental

Should Women Be Wearing A Bra To Bed?

women in bed

While there is no match to the feeling of taking off your bra after returning home from work, women often face the dilemma- whether they should or should not be wearing their bra when going to bed. Before we even begin discussing, if there is one thing women should understand

10 must eat Superfoods for you!


Here are some nutritional showstoppers, which will help you fight diseases, boost up your energy levels and even aid in losing weight!  Scroll down to find out these easily available, bursting with benefits, food powerhouses!   1. Bananas: A source of instant energy to kickstart your day, bananas top our list of