10 Books Every Woman Must Read

Woman Reading A Book

“Books are a uniquely portable magic” There are days when all you want to do is jump into your jammies, sip some hot chocolate and sink into a book which helps you escape into a more empowering world. Here are some books recommended for women, age no bar. Remember! Women who

Should Women Be Wearing A Bra To Bed?

women in bed

While there is no match to the feeling of taking off your bra after returning home from work, women often face the dilemma- whether they should or should not be wearing their bra when going to bed. Before we even begin discussing, if there is one thing women should understand

Things to Remember When Your Life is Messed Up

Have you ever looked over the course of your life and wondered that life hasn’t been a fair game? You’re encountering a stew of problems related to relationship, financial glitches, job, or just frustration hovering around your head and you can’t find a way out. Okay first, breathe. Calm your