Give Your Selfie A New Edge With These Trending Styles

Today’s generation is widely known for its brisk activity on all platforms of social media and in turn, on sharing photographs and opinions through these platforms. But over the past few years a new trend has been established amongst these photographs and that is the universally acclaimed ‘selfie’.

There was a time when only party going white chicks delved into the habit of taking selfies but now, girls and guys across the globe have picked up on the allure of taking selfies to mark memories and share them with the world through social media. With the evolution of the selfie, a variety of types of selfies have sprung up through trends set up by various celebrities and icons in pop culture. Here’s a look at some of the most popular ones to grace our instagram feed!

1. The Mirror Selfie

Long before phones came equipped with front cameras, people managed to take selfies with the help of mirrors and pretty much any other reflecting surface. The mirror selfie still is the best option for people with phones with bad camera quality, or just to bring in an old worldly charm.

2. The ‘not looking at the camera’ selfie

This is the kind of selfie you take when you don’t want to appear picture conscious or as narcissistic as taking a selfie might make you seem.

3. The ‘sipping a cup’ selfie

When your eyes are on point but you don’t feel like showing the rest of your face, or you want to show the world the delicious drink that you’re enjoying then try taking a selfie like this and you’ll meet instagram’s aesthetic standards.

4. The super close selfie

What do you do when you only want a picture of a certain part of yourself but not the whole thing? You zoom in of course!

5. The feet selfie

A selfie doesn’t necessarily have to be a picture of your face, it could be any body part of which you take a picture on your own. And recently, if you’re out in a new location or travelling or even just want to show off your shoes, then a feet selfie with a spectacular background is a must.

6. The duck face selfie

It doesn’t matter if you have Kylie Jenner lips or not, every girl has tried a pout, and to a large extent, a quite substantial number of guys. Though the duckface and the pout aren’t exactly the same thing, but with the evolution of this kind of selfie, they’ve come to meet the same results.

7. The fish gape selfie

This selfie has recently gained popularity among stars due to the innocent and unhindered appearance that it portrays. This is one of the few kinds of selfies that I for one, believe actually look great.

8. The high up selfie

So this is one kind of selfie that is not for everyone. All you have to do is stretch your arm as high as possible and snap!

9. The dressed up selfie

Whether you’ve gotten ready for a party of a day out or even a date, the act of getting ready is worthy enough to deserve its own selfie after the process is complete!

10. The funny faced selfie

For most people who mock selfies and people who take them, the funny faced selfie is the ideal parody. All you need to do is scrunch up your face and contort it in a way that is visually appeasing but also doesn’t fall in the other selfie categories.

11. The ‘just woke up’ selfie

Among stars and celebrities, this is a popular social media selfie where they try to imply to the world that they still look pretty perfect even without the makeup and with bed hair. But of course, you can’t help but wonder how much effort they really put into that selfie.

12. The peace sign selfie

Some people are still stuck in the 90’s when everyone was wearing tye dye clothes and fighting for world peace, in other terms, were hippies. But of course, with Japanese schoolgirls popularizing this kind of selfie, it’s hard for it to stay off social media.

13. The Groupie


Well, this is pretty much the plain old hold the camera in front of your face and take a picture procedure. The only  difference lies in the fact that someone else or an entire entourage of people are trying to fit into the picture as well.

14. The photo bombed selfie

This, according to me, is the best kind of selfie. You take a picture of yourself with whatever expression you deem fit and there in the background is your friend technically ruining the picture but in all practicality making it many times better and more appealing.

15. The normal selfie

Last but not the least is the normal selfie. This is the one act that pretty much everyone alive on this planet with their own picture taken device has indulged in, and despite all the selfie variations available, this remains the most popular of all.

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Shraya Singh
Shraya is currently an engineering student with a flair for writing. Apart from being a student she is a part time Jedi and inhabitant of Middle Earth with and has an insatiable love for books and fantasy. But in truth she is a storyteller; the purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think but to give you questions to think upon, and that is what she does.